Meet the family behind Sensory Circle.

Hi, I’m Marrianne, and along with my husband, Will, and our 2 daughters—Abigail and Madeleine, we are the team behind Sensory Circle

Will and I wanted to start a business in an area with a lot of meaning to all of us. Both our daughters were diagnosed at a young age with ASD, ADHD, ODD, Anxiety, SPD, and Epilepsy, just to name a few.

We are an Australian-based online store supplying both sensory products and educational toys for children and adults covering a wide range of conditions, including Autism, ADHD, Anxiety & Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and for general special needs and purposes. 

We operate out of the beautiful Hunter Valley where we discovered that the area is a calming and peaceful environment to help us raise our girls in a more relaxing way. 

Along our journey of discovery we found that certain toys in various environments helped our girls cope with their emotions. We saw the difference these toys made to our daughters day-to-day life. 

To that end we realised where the future for our family lay. Here was an opportunity to instil in our girls the significance of doing something that helps, not only them, but others at the same time. It also would mean a way for our girls to build a secure future. From the very start they have been included in the process of setting up the business. Their unique knowledge allows them to select products that they see a need for, items we may have overlooked. As they get older they will become more hands-on until eventually they run the entire Sensory Circle.

Will and I encourage them of the importance to be able to offer these products to others. To know children and adults similar to them can feel valued and given a chance to live happy, fun, and successful lives. Just the knowledge that one of their products can put a smile on parents’ and carers’ faces when they see the joy their special person gets makes the girls’ excited.

Always our aim is to help grow awareness and understanding, to show it is not embarrassing or wrong to have items that help keep you calm and content. We want everyone to be confident and comfortable—no matter what the diagnosis.

In our family run business at Sensory Circle we sincerely hope you find what you are looking for in our store. If not, don’t hesitate to send us an email and we’ll do whatever we can to find that special item for you. The four of us offer you great support and provide you with outstanding Customer Service.

New products are continuously being added to provide you with all the sensory and educational items on quality brands that you know and trust.